The Movie Club: No. 8

Hi, I am here sorry not sorry for the delay. I have been super busy with life and holiday prep and i am pregnant.

Can we just discus for a second how pregnancy is no joke? Like i knew it was intense or whatever but everything they say about it being really difficult is true. That being said, everyone is doting on me and taking exceptional care of me and giving me all the attention so I love it. Zero complaints (jk, I have been complaining A LOT and this is a non formal apology to all my friends and family who don’t read my blog… actually, I am convinced nobody read’s my blog but I will forge on for the love of campy movies!… I digress, I am very very sorry to all my friends and family who I complain too… Especially Tim)

Okay so we aren’t here for pregnancy talk, we are here for movie jibber jabber. Once Bitten, can i get a hell to the yell. It was SO good. Albeit a little (or a lot) out dated in terms of like racism and sexism and all the other ism’s but it was the 80’s, I didn’t make it and don’t shoot the messenger. My mouth literally dropped open at the very very white man playing an Indian librarian. That shit would not fly today.

Aside from all of that, the movie is supremely entertaining. Lauren Hutton is a total knock out. Worth watching (if not easily offended) for her outfits and the dance sequence… All in all, it’s def one of my favorite pics so far. It was sassy and campy and entertaining.

Now let’s jump forward to November. I bet you are expecting me to pick something obvious with a thanksgiving there like Hannah & her Sisters. I have always wanted to watch that but it feels heavy and the movie club is all about light and fun. So go watch that on your own time. I probably will this year finally, maybe… we will see.

So I went with something that I don’t think is Thanksgiving related but the title is festive so we are going with it.


MOVIE: Sugar & Spice (2001)

STREAMING ON: you have to rent this one, it’s on Prime & Itunes. One day maybe I will pick something streaming for free. Mabye not though.


It had me at “Get ready to cheer for the bad girls”… I haven’t seen this movie in forever but I feel like there is a pregnant cheerleader and some banks getting robbed so we are all in for a good time.

Happy watching,



The Movie Club: No. 9


The Movie Club: No. 7